Friday 7 January 2022

I'M FEELIN' 2022... Duh

Well, yet again it has been a long time since I posted anything on here. I have plenty of reasons why and maybe I'll tell you about those. I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year despite all the weirdness everyone is experiencing.

I'm still in Ireland, I love my course at UCD and I've made amazing friends but my god we've had our fair share of chaos- mostly in relation to Dublin housing and how difficult it is to find anywhere remotely decent. Fortunately, we are now in a lovely house sharing with lovely people and couldn't be happier. I think maybe I'll do some posts about Dublin Housing in the near future, just because I think we have learned a lot through experience that we wouldn't have found online beforehand; of course a lot of the information online already is great and really clear on how expensive and difficult it is etc but I think COVID has had a big affect on all of this too and has certainly added to the difficulties that were already there.

Now that we are in a nice little house I'm hoping to get more content out more often, I really miss blogging, I miss writing and maybe now that I'll be more comfortable it'll be easier. 


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