Thursday 26 December 2013


cowl // coat -h&m // dress - primark// tights - primark // boots - dr martens // satchel - primark

I can't quite believe 2013 is coming to an end, it has definitely been, for me, an unexpectedly brilliant year and I've learned a lot! I've made some amazing friends and some amazing memories and although there have been some, honestly rubbish moments I've managed to direct my attention to focusing on all the positives and embracing the great moments over the not so great and I think my blog has always found a way of being a part of the significant moments though not necessarily so obviously.

Over December I have taken a reasonable amount of outfit photos but just haven't had the chance to do anything with them and since I don't want to be bombarding you with posts and confusing my current appearance as well as starting the year a fresh they will probably just be left, for now at least.

I've wanted to go to the hairdressers for a while to sort out my hair but somehow just never got round to it and at the weekend I got bored I suppose and me and my mum cut it. I really like the length, I've had long hair most of my life and as much as I love it I wanted something completely different. I'm still trying to figure out how to wear it because it is so different to work with now but I do adore it.

This outfit was chosen for a walk today simply because I got most of it for christmas and because it was all quite comfortable whilst looking put together which is always great! I live in dresses and I don't think I'll ever be someone who puts jeans on for comfort and honestly when I first saw this coat I thought that would be what I'd be wearing with it most but I think it looks beautiful with cute, girly dresses and outfits and just gives a sharper layer to the outfit! I wore it yesterday for christmas with a 40s style dress and my mum said I looked like a well dressed 40s girl who'd stolen her RAF boyfriends Jacket which I think is pretty cool.
My mum also knitted me the beautiful cowl I'm wearing in a few of the above photos and it's honestly the cosiest thing, you can see a post about it on her blog here!

I hope you have all had a fabulous christmas if you celebrate!



  1. Love this outfit and the photography! Your hair looks so nice!

  2. Love your bag and these are lovely pictures!


  3. beautiful blog! maybe we can follow each other on blogspot, bloglovin and lookbook?

    welcome :)

  4. Wow, that cowl is beautiful! Your Mum is really talented! I love that your Mum has a blog too, I'm trying to persuade my Mum to start one. xxx

    Grace | Glitter and Carousels

    1. Aw thanks Grace!! My Mum has had her blog as long as I can remember haha! xxx

  5. Hello.

    I came here to invite you to join my International LUSH Giveaway, where you can have a chance of win the “Christmas Kiss” kit.

    xx Monica
    Makeup And London

  6. aww i like the outfit and your hair color as well, super pretty!

    Giveaway <3 SHE WALKS Blog

  7. That jacket is so great! I love your scarf as well!

  8. I adore the plaid skirt! It looks great on you! xx

  9. Your outfit it adorable! I've been looking for a pair of oxblood coloured tights, but mostly just found ones that are a bit too purple..these are so nice though! Glad to hear that you had a good year :)

  10. loev the tights xo

  11. i love your bag! you look lovely xxx

  12. I love this outfit!
    It's so pretty
    E | Beauty/Skincare | Cocoamourr

  13. I have just stumbled across your blog and fallen in love with it! And I really like your style :) These photos are gorgeous xxx

  14. love
    xx soph
    follow me on

  15. your hair is so lovely and the clothes are so lovely too!


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