

I am happy to accept any PR samples to review on my blog. All reviews on this blog are 100% honest, unbiased and completely my own opinion, and if I am sent anything for reviewing purposes I will be sure to give an honest review of it! I do though have the right to decline PR samples to review if i do not believe it will benefit my blog or readers!

If you would like to get in touch about this, just email me!


Unless stated otherwise Everything I post on my blog, both the writing and photographs are mine. If and When I do use something that isn't mine it will be stated in that post. I might occasionally use photographs people I know well have taken but always with their permission. (That would probably also be stated in the relevant post!)

If I am Sent products or PR samples to review they will be marked with an asterisk (*).

Everything I put on my blog is my own honest opinion and will always be completely unbiased.

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