Wednesday 20 January 2016

Shoot For The Stars

A photo posted by India Charlotte (@indiacharlottewood) on

I have always loved Lush, especially their bath bombs, so whilst I was home with access to a bath I went to lush to buy some Christmas things in the sale and I think this is my new favourite bath bomb. It smells beautiful and is beautiful and was the perfect last bath before coming back to Uni.

It might seem a bit weird doing a whole blog post on just the one bath bomb but I don't think there's much I love more than a warm bath with a book or some music, I'd say that I could fall asleep in the bath and I probably could, but actively just out of common sense, I don't. I miss our bath a lot when I'm not at home, it's like a genuine extra member of our family, to me anyway.

I am now quite sad that even when I'm home for the whole of Summer I won't be able to purchase this bath bomb as along with my other faves, such as Cinders (incredible, highly recommend) it won't be back until next Christmas.

Watching this bath bomb is like watching a night sky erupt with colour amongst all of the blackness and the blue with the glow from the stars and blurriness of tired eyes and bathing in it, it is a sea of deep purple which anything could be lurking in (although hopefully you'd know since it's your bath) with the finest glitter that shimmers so beautifully and you will never have felt so relaxed, it is literally how I imagine it would be to bathe amongst shooting stars, it fills you with a euphoric sense of blissfulness and content and I'm happy just remembering a bath I had a few days ago and that is insane.

I love baths..



  1. I have that and it's amazing :3

    Ana ♥ N/POST

  2. I used this and thought it was so magical and lovely! x Loved the scent too!

  3. How come when i have a lush bath it never looks this pretty! Teach me your ways! Loved this post xx

    1. I honestly think it was just the fact it was this bath bomb! It's so colourful! x

  4. I'm always eager to try Lush products everytime I see a blogger talking about them, but I can't seem to find the brand in my country :(



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