Monday 27 April 2020


Since I’ve been furloughed (don’t even know if that is a verb?) I’ve not really had much to do and I’ve been focusing entirely on creating visual content. I think of what outfit I’m going to wear, how I’m going to do my make up and then take photos in the garden. 

It’s nice in that it gives me focus whilst not being difficult or a burden at all. My only problem is that I don’t maintain that focus to then write up a blog post, I’m just not in the right headspace. And that’s ok despite how frustrating I might find it. 


I suppose what I’m saying is that right now things are difficult, and maintaining any type of normalcy is near impossible but that that’s FINE, it’s okay if you’re finding it difficult because I am too. 

It’s unlike me to struggle for words. I’ve been known to lose my voice and still be trying to have some sort of constant monologue going on, resulting in no voice for even longer. 

What’s strange is, all conversations end up here. Thinking about lockdown and our current societal struggle. I thought I could probably get down a vaguely coherent ramble about a specific outfit but I genuinely can’t right now. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling lost in their own mind and their own words, yet it does feel ever so lonely. 

No clue how I’ll ever sum this post up, so I’m just going to stop. Hopefully at some point soon my words will come back to me. 


1 comment

  1. I love your top!! I ordered one like that off ASOS the other day, but then it arrived and had the word cutie on it, and it was just nowhere near as sassy as I was hoping for. hope you're stayin safe and doing well! x


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