Monday 20 April 2020


Last week I turned a year older, it was unsurprisingly not that eventful considering our current 'lockdown' situation but nonetheless I had a lovely day and am quite content in my age. I am now 24 years old, officially in my mid twenties, dunno if that's cool or tragic or scary but I'm very bothered by it.

Even though I couldn't do much for my birthday I put on a party dress and pranced about until I was too tired and got into my comfies for tv and takeaway. It was an overall lovely, chilled day and I thought I'd share some cute photos of me in the garden in my dress, why not.

If anyone else has a lockdown birthday, I sincerely hope you have a lovely day with lots of love and happiness and we can all have a second birthday like the queen does where we will do everything we missed out on, deal?


1 comment

  1. That dress is sooo gorgeous and I'm in love with your hair!!


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