Wednesday 25 March 2020


So I just realised I never posted on my blog about my trip to Dublin back in February which quite frankly is despicable because I have shop many beautiful photos from our trip and a little vlog. I keep forgetting to tell people that Finn and I are actually planning to move to Dublin, for me to study for my masters and for a change of pace I suppose. It's scary, especially considering everything is a bit weird in the world at the moment.

Our trip was initially planned so that we could try and sort some logistical things out before the move which we actually basically found out wouldn't be possible... At least we tried. In that regard, if anyone has moved from the UK to Ireland and would like to share their experience with me, that would be great. I've spoken to a couple of people about it all but I'll honestly take as much advice as I can get.

While we were there, we attended an open evening at UCD, drank lots of coffee and Guinness and had a lovely time exploring such a beautiful city. The trip was not without its drama though, we did end up having to evacuate our airbnb on the last night due to a small fire... All was completely fine in the end but we were bloody exhausted for the entirety of our last day. 

Buckle down kids, this might be quite a long post.

On day 1, we arrived at Dublin airport by 9am and couldn't check into our airbnb until 4pm. I imagine this could have been organised better because we did then spend all day dragging our suitcase around the city. We headed straight to grafton street and had coffee at Bewley's which was behind lovely, before wandering and exploring, ending up in St Stephens Green and then having a pint (a half for me lol) of Guinness in Temple Bar. We got a box of doughnuts from the rolling doughnut, we had more coffee and slowly made our way up to where we were staying.... In pouring rain, not ideal but still kind off beautiful. Despite having to carry our luggage about all day it was still a bloody lovely day.

Day 2 we got up early, had coffee and left over doughnuts for breakfast then made our way to the local Lidl to get snacks and supplies. We made ourselves lunch and then ventured on to get a bus to the UCD open evening. We got the bus to Belfield, had a coffee and cake at insomnia then explored the campus. I suppose we didn't actually do much this day but we were still rather sleepy. After the keen evening, we went back to the city and had planned to find a restaurant for dinner, but write frankly we are both to tired to deal with the hustle of a city centre in an evening and quickly gave up... We went to Dunnes, bought some pasta and went home to eat it. I think we watched a bit of TV and then my neighbour totoro. At this point we were staying to feel guilty for the massive lack of Guinness we had been drinking.

Day 3 was sort of our biggest tourist type day. We went for breakfast at Bewley's, sourdough toast and pots of coffee then did a little bit of shopping. There's a sustainable womenswear boutique in Dublin which my mum is massively find of do we went there, picked up a dress for her and a dress for me. We then went to explore the national library.. Only to discover you can't really explore it. There was an exhibition on there that we saw which was relatively interesting but I honestly just wanted to be around books. We then continued to wander and found ourselves back in St Stephens Green having a like walk. We attempted to make our way to one of the pubs we had been recommended but on the way came across the hairy lemon, which my dad had suggested we visit and we had a couple of pints of Guinness and some whisky there- the first whisky I've ever liked! All of the sepia tinned photos were taken induce the hairy lemon.. We clearly had fun there! After that I think we very slowly made our way back to the airbnb, sort of tipsy and still shopping a little.

Day 4, our last day before an evening flight, check out at 11am after the horrendous experience of the fire alarm (and actual small fire in the building that was swiftly put out- nothing harmed aside from everyone's sleep) the night before. We were up, packed, tidy and out by 11am. Exhausted, we had a slow day. Coffee and then Dublin Castle- which is beautiful though a little eerie knowing that the English were basically massive *insert chosen swear words here* to the Irish... Afterwards we decided we needed to drink more Guinness, so went to the long hall before leaving.

It was such a good trip. I cannot wait to be living there. If you fancy it you can watch the mini vlog of our trip on my YouTube.



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