Thursday 9 January 2020


In a bid to encourage a more sustainable and ethical attitude towards shopping and styling for myself and as many others as possible I am starting a hashtag over in my Instagram account. This might me an absolute TOOL (to put it politely) but I do think it will at the very least,work for myself and hopefully hold me accountable for the way I shop and wear my clothes.

So, if you can't tell by the title of this blog post,the hashtag is #ohsothriftystyle and will only appear in the captions of my Instagram posts (and on stories) when my outfit is not brand new. I'm letting myself use it for things I've had in my wardrobe for ages, charity shop purchases, clothes swap deals , vintage pieces and the occasional item I might have borrowed from my sister/mum/Finn/friends etc. Hence, thrifty. 

The definition of 'thrifty' is 'using resources carefully and not wastefully', which is quite frankly how we should all be styling ourselves AND shopping. Be thrifty kids. 

If anyone fancies joining in with me, I'd love to see all of your #ohsothriftystyle posts over on the gram and I will be sharing my favourite outfits to my story as frequently as humanly possible. 

The first of my outfits is the one featured in this post obviously... The skirt is just a H&M purchase so not took  but the t-shirt is one of my absolute favourite thrifty pieces. It's an Alexa Chung tee I bought from @mollycatherineosborne in Instagram and I lurveeeeee it. Cardigan is borrowed from ma sœur, and I just paired it all with an old pair of H&M boots and my Calzedonia tights, v happy with this look.

I feel like this post could have been more succinct but OH WELL, this is how I'm starting my 2020, with a bloody hashtag woo. I actually can't wait to share all the outfits I've been thinking up, and I hope you share some too.



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