Friday 31 January 2020


I need to stop shopping.... That's not news. Problem is I've been flicking through clothing catalogues and scrolling through the new in section on clothing websites my entire life. I love clothes. My problem now is that I have money... So, often I buy them, especially, if more often than not, they are in the sale.


I did a Topshop order of some things I thought we're beautiful, honestly thinking that they wouldn't fit me at all and I'd end up returning them. That did not happen, they look equally beautiful on me as they did on the model. I am obviously happy about this in the sense that I have some gorgeous new clothes, though I didn't need them, they were an absolute steal from the sale. This corduroy playsuit is obviously one of them. And it is beautiful, as you can see. 

Something I need to do is realise when I am truly going to get my money's worth out of a garment and the time and wear out of it and I know that this is something that will last a great amount of time. I love corduroy and I love dressing like an overgrown toddler. My justification may be weak but I can assure you there is truth in it. This will last. 

I'm quite obviously being rather contrary, call me Mary, by training about how I'll be shopping less but showing off what I've bought... However, it's a process I'm sure I'll get there. I will be shopping far less and have already been. I also want to just focus on other things as well as my love for dressing up, again, a process and I'll get there. 

What are you working on bettering in yourself? I'm asking mostly out of blatant curiosity but also as a source of inspiration and comfort. 


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