Life is too short to not be yourself, to have fun or sadness in every single moment and to live your emotions to the fullest. It’s too short to hate your job or try to please other people. And it’s too short for you to not love yourself.

A couple of months ago at work, I was having a chat with the customer I was serving and he said “I just can’t believe how rude some of your customers are” and began to describe the conversation he’s just witnessed another customer have with my colleague and he then went on to say “life is too short to be a bitch. I used to work in retail and I’m sorry you have to deal with all this.” It just stuck out to me a lot. We all deal with SO much all of the time and I genuinely don’t think there’s any excuse to be a bitch. And I mean an actual bitch, like there’s no need to be horrible. There is however, plenty of need to be a bad ass bitch, perhaps that’s a whole other blog post I should write?!