Tuesday 25 June 2019



I’M OFF TO GLASTONBURY RIGHT NOW. If you can’t tell, I’m really excited. I’m going alone and I’m volunteering as a steward with Oxfam and I know I’m going to have a great time. 

If I could have guaranteed sunny, warm weather with absolutely no mud I would have been bringing this incredible, almost ethereal number from Nobody’s Child because it is stunning. It makes me feel so pretty and reminds me of so many dresses I had when I was little. It’s like the grown up version of the kind of ditsy floral dress I have always worn. 

I love a cream and yellow floral, it feels so sweet and delicate so I immediately felt like I needed this dress in my summer wardrobe.

These photos were taken by the lovely Christina Sylvester who is an absolute gem. Not only is she quite clearly a super talented photographer- these were shot in rainy Manchester- she is beyond lovely, I had such a fun day with her. You know when you just click with someone and it’s like you’ve known them for ages? It was like that and I’m so glad to have made a new friend. 

This is a very last minute pre festival post and I do have so much more to say but I may just have to catch up with you all afterwards as I have a very busy week ahead.... 

Lots of love, IWx 


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