Wednesday 2 January 2019


SCARF (on bag) - H&M 

NEW YEAR, NEW ME. I say for the second time today, except this time I'm not pretending to be my cat though am definitely still not being serious. I've never been fond of celebrating the new year, there is too much pressure to have fun and be drunk but I do rather enjoy the concept. I like that it marks the end of a period of time and the start of a new one, inducing self-reflections that we should have far more often, and letting us celebrate the past year's successes. My last couple of new years (those spent with Finn) have been the most lovely by far, despite the fact this year I fell asleep shortly after midnight. 

I am not making any new years resolutions, because it's not something I do; but due to the inducement this time of year has on self-reflection, I have considered a few things I am going to try really hard to change. I want to be less impulsive when shopping, I want to stick to buying things I love or need and will last for a very long time. I want to cook more again and make packed lunches for work to save money and I want to learn to drive. 

I don't think I've quite gotten used to not being in education yet, having goals to reach constantly and inevitably achieving things as consequence. But now, I am in complete control of what I do and I am now my own teacher in a way. I want to achieve lot's in 2019 and I am sure I will. Whether or not I achieve the things I am planning to now or not, I am sure I will achieve lot's I never even expected.

In reflection of the past year, I want to spend more time in new places and I want to do that with Finn by my side. Our little trip to Liverpool over Christmas was the most lovely. I love seeing new galleries and exploring new places, figuring out my way around and adding to all the little maps I have in my head. 

While we were in Liverpool I wore possibly my favourite outfit of the year (other than my graduation dress obvs) which is my absolutely horrible pink jumper dress from the Primark sale a couple of years ago, with flared leggings - I've got to say dresses and trousers are  well and truly back baby and I'm well happy - of course, paired with a gold chunky chain and some knee high Stevie Nicks boots. Knee high boots underneath trousers are one of my new fave things and definitely something I want to wear more throughout 2019.

Aside from my brief ramblings and this cute outfit I don't have much else to say in this post. I reckon the next couple of posts will also be quite reflective and goal orientated, as I have a lot I want to get done and sharing it on here holds me accountable to an extent...

Anyway, happy 2019 honeybees, I hope you all have the most lovely year.


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