Tuesday 27 November 2018


COAT - TOPSHOP (similar)

Well, it's been a hot minute since I last sat down to write for the blog but I felt like an outfit post was due, specifically a sparkly one. Since all the Christmas lights and music are on where I work now everything has felt super festive so I thought I should show you all the first party look I've shot this season.

After finding this lovely little 60s style, sparkly dress in the sale at work I just could not leave it behind. I adore the gold beading and the shape of the bird and the stars, it feels almost mythical and I just flippin' love it. It's sparkly whilst being understated and the shape, I think, goes with my haircut really well.

Pairing this dress with my gold suedette Mary-Jane's from Daisy Street was an absolute match made in heaven. Due to weather and me being forgetful they don't get out nearly as much as they should, but will certainly be getting a lot more wear this party season.

Though the fading light and complete pitch black was not anticipated on this shoot I think the light conditions add a really cool moodiness that compliments this outfit and the season so so well. It would have been an equally appropriate look for Halloween to be honest, you just can't ever go wrong with gold and a bit of sparkle.

I'm really excited to start shooting and sharing some more party outfits because I love dressing up more than anything in the world, I might even share a party make-up look. I honestly wish that I had endless time to dress up and look pretty and then prance about in front of a camera - that makes it sound like I wish I were a model but I don't think I do, I just wish I had more time, especially for party dresses.

We have definitely established that my favourite thing about this time of year is undoubtedly dressing up and making the most of anything that glitters... But, I am curious to know what your favourite thing about Party Season is - do you also just love dressing up or perhaps you're glad of the extra excuse there is to drink and stay out all nigh? Either way, I'm intrigued to know and I'd also love to hear what you think of this lil' look over in the comments.

*Photos by Alexander Ward


  1. I've been looking for more December appropriate clothing! This dress is a good mix of warm and sparkly. Great pictures too by the way.

  2. Wow these photos are incredible! I love your outfit, perfect for the season. The coat looks lovely and warm too!


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