Wednesday 22 August 2018



Last week I had a job interview and tomorrow I start and I'm so flippin' excited. This was what I wore and how contended I was sipping coffee outside afterwards. This is my absolute favourite dress I own (I probably say that about all my dresses- I'm a dress whore what can I say) and I wear it on every occasion possible. It's super comfortable and flattering, it looks sick with my tattoo, dressed up and dressed down.

In general, I am a pretty confident person but this outfit increases that by about 5000% and the sunglasses especially make me feel très sassy. I'm excited to start my new job, to be a bit busier and to get back into somewhat of a routine. I've been thinking a lot about my working wardrobe and how I can feel appropriate at work without buying too many new things and I don't think it's going to be difficult. 

I like to think that I'm someone who doesn't feel the need to buy into new trends and cheap fast fashion - though I have fallen victim to it of course - and am consciously trying to be more sustainable but just as stylish as often as possible. Pieces like this vintage dress and my denim jacket are perfect examples of this, both always appropriate within my wardrobe, very me and very versatile.

You may think to mention my new job and my attempts to be more sustainable have no link whatsoever but my new job arguably has a lot to do with fast fashion. I want to talk about it more and I will with time. Though I am working for a clothing brand, who do sell a lot of things you probably don't need, they have an ethos I am in 100% agreement with and their aims are not to add to waste whatsoever.


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