Wednesday 29 August 2018



So I bought this flippin’ adorable baby doll dress on sale from asos a little while ago and I adore it, I had to size up slightly due to the way the bust of the dress is quite small and flat... and I am not. I’ve not had any dressing up opportunities to wear it hence these pics being in Lidl but I feel well cute when I wear it and it fits perfectly into my weird toddler/ grandma chic wardrobe. 

I am actually wearing this dress with cycling shorts because it looks quite sweet to have them poking out the bottom.. though it turns out you can’t actually see them most of the time. Either way, I like wearing this dress like this. It’s very short and I definitely couldn’t do much at all other than stand still, indoors, without the shorts. 

If you read my last post you may be curious about how my new job is going and I’m glad to say I love it. It’s tiring and it keeps me busy and that’s what I wanted. To be busy and smiley and chatty and then to go home and be tired enough for bed. I still have my library job too and am still in love with it, I don’t think I could ever leave the libraries. I’m not working there as much but having a shift there between two shifts in retail is refreshing and just lovely. 

For someone who had to get a rail replacement bus to work this morning, I’m feeling pretty positive and happy. That could be due to the fact I spent the journey listening to Wolf Alice and am now sat in costa with a flat white though...

I think once I’m used to my new routine I’ll start a very official and proper blogging schedule. I’m thinking perhaps Monday’s, Wednesdays and Fridays but we shall see, let me know if you have any thoughts! 



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