Saturday 16 June 2018



So, you'd think moving back up north would entail layering up a bit more but weirdly the opposite has been the case. I've come home to tonnes of sun and warmth and no rain. This outfit was a winner in the sense that I had a short skirt on and a backless body but the fact I was wearing faux leather and velvet to see Haim at the Apollo on Monday meant I was beyond warm regardless. This didn't actually matter in the end though as it was the best concert ever ever ever, the best birthday present ever (Thank you, Finn) and just the most fun night of my life. 

Este, Danielle and Alana are just hilarious and super cool and real with such a fab stage presence. I love a good concert and it was so epic. Not to mention the fact that the angelic goddess that is Maggie Rogers was the support act. It was so uplifting and lovely and just made me so happy.

Being at home has so far been non-stop, in that I have literally barely been at home, going to Parklife and to see Haim, staying with my pal in Lancaster and spending time with Finn, I'm still sort of everywhere. Post-uni life so far seems to be a bit of a maze, especially not knowing what I'm graduating with yet or what exactly I'm supposed to be doing with my time. Fortunately, I'll be going on holiday next week so I have something to focus on and organise myself for.

If anyone older and wiser than me has any post-graduate life advice then it would be greatly appreciated... 


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