Friday 29 December 2017



I completely understand the lust for brand new clothes but I do think there's a somewhat unethical amount of shopping that goes on in the blogging world and that there should be far more of an appreciation of personal style vs new trends. There should be no taboo surrounding wearing what you already have and posting about it and I think there is.

Of course getting new clothes is exciting and lovely and makes us all feel warm and happy and beautiful but how many times have you found yourself buying something new and eventually ending up only ever wearing it once. There are some things that you can never have enough of like jumpers and socks but how many pairs of velvet trousers do you really need - I've recently discovered a rip in mine so actually I do need more...

This outfit is one I will never not love, it is good all year round pretty much. I can't see a day where I ever won't wear these Monki dungarees and therefore sort of don't feel like I'll ever need a new pair of blue denim ones because it just seems silly. I may lust after plenty but I don't need them. This jumper too is a favourite, made by my mother from her Weekend Doris dress and sweater pattern in great contrasting colours and in a perfect 60s shape with a high neck, I will wear this until it falls apart.

Though I got lot's of lovely new clothes for Christmas and want to and will share these on the blog, this is what I wanted to wear and how I wanted to look and what I wanted to share it whilst addressing the materialistic side of blogging I don't particularly love.

Recently I think I've sounded rather too bitter in my blog posts, I'm not sure why as generally I'd say I'm pretty positive but I guess I've had a lot to say.



  1. I love what you've written about and I 100% agree! I try and think do I really need something now as I have bundles of clothes staring at me in my room telling me 'NO'. I adore this look as always, so cozy!

    Lucy Jane | Infinity of Fashion

    1. Glad you agree and I've not gone mad!! My wardrobe is beyond excessive and my current goal is to refine it, definitely not to build it up! Thank you!! x


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