Wednesday 7 September 2016


Dress - Asos, Jumper - Primark, Shoes - Converse

You may have noticed the above photos are not of me.. Meet my sister eden - who you can follow on instagram here - who prefers her name written with a lower case 'e', cuts her own hair and is gymnastics obsessed. I liked her outfit and she said that if she didn't hate the photos I took then I could post it on my blog so I am. She's had this denim dress for a while now but I have seen very similar ones in H&M, the shoes and jumper are very new. I think what made me like this outfit so much is that it is all black and then a pink jumper and I'm slightly in love with pink everything at the moment, god knows why. I just think it's an adorable outfit and felt like it needed sharing.

Don't be fooled though, Eden is not quite as cool as this outfit makes her seem...




  1. I love this outfit, your sister is very pretty! It's so cute, I love the top underneath and am a huge pinafore dress fan haha! :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)


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