Wednesday 20 April 2016

New York City

Top - UO via my sister :3, Skirt - 19th birthday , Boots - Dr Martens

This week is my second week back at uni after Easter and I'm starting to realise that actually being at home was incredibly stress free and easy in comparison to being here and being able to occupy my Mum's sewing shed for a day is quite a privilege and  I do miss that a little (also having her near by to do any tricky bits when you're sewing is rather fab too!). I wore this outfit the day that I finished making my birthday top which you may have seen me post about on sunday here and I am rather proud of it. I didn't do all the sewing myself and I'm happy to admit that because as much as I love being able to make my own clothes and describe an item of clothing I want to my Mum and then suddenly be able to have it I am not the most confident when it comes to sewing.

I do have my sewing machine here with me at uni and a couple of patterns so I think I'm going to start practising on my own once exams are over. I'm hoping not having someone to just hand it to to fix will do me good but we shall see.



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