Wednesday 3 February 2016

Valentines Gift Ideas

I have always thought of valentines day as a day to show appreciation for anyone you love, whether that is a significant other, a friend or your family. When I was very little I used to make valentines cards for my friends and argued with the girls at school who told me "That valentines was only for boyfriends" because of course that is ludicrous and if you love someone you should show it!

I've put together a collection of things that I would buy and gift amongst my loved ones if I had the budget so that if you do you can steal a few of my ideas.

1. Love Sick by Jessie Cave - This is a book I do not yet have but will definitely be getting for myself and know so many people who would also love to receive this. It isn't some lovey dovey cringe fest, and you can follow Jessie on twitter to be proven that it definitely isn't before you part with your money. It is funny and her sense of humour is current and quite frankly hilarious.

2. Love Potion Sippy Cup - If you are a student then you probably know several people with sippy cups and they're great for several reasons, you can drink lying down, you can carry drinks around without spilling them and they're super cute and this one is no exception!

3.  Fashionary - I recieved a Fashionary a couple of Christmases ago and I love mine, they're made for fashion designers but are also perfect for just planning out outfits or designing things you know you'd like to wear! I have a couple of posts featuring my fashionary here and here if you'd like to look into it!

4. Make Up Bag -  This Lola and Gilbert Make up bag is perfect for anyone who wears make up on the daily, it's a good size and I'm sure is relevant and funny to so many people. I know that I'd definitely appreciate a make up bag as you always need a new one.

5. Lush In Your Dreams - I love Lush, I think we are all very aware of that, their gift sets are so beautifully packaged which of course saves you on wrapping and getting annoyed at sellotape but of course whatever products you get are the most exciting part. The In Your Dreams gift set contains The Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar and The Tisty Tosty Bath Bomb. Tisty Tosty is scented with Orris Root Powder, Rose and Lemon and Rose while Unicorn Horn contains the perfect combination of relaxing Lavender Oil and Serotonin increasing Neroli Oil and therefore a relaxing and uplifting bath and who doesn't want that.

I know that the people who think that valentines is for everyone are a lesser number than those just celebrating significant others but I don't see why if you can you shouldn't treat your friends, and whether it is for valentines or for absolutely nothing I think we should all share as much love as we can.


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