Coat - Topshop , Dress and Top - Primark , Shoes - Dr Martens
It's unusual for me to write a blog post straight before posting it live but today I am which may seem a bit weird since it's Christmas Eve but I like blogging and I find it pretty chilled out when I actually want to be doing it. Being online and speaking online is something I enjoy a lot because I'm on my own but am potentially speaking to so many people which is great and a bit creepy. It's sort of relaxing just writing down what's in your head and publishing it there and then. These photos were taken on Tuesday during a quick visit to Somerset to see my grandma and it was super lovely but after two long car journeys and lot's of socialising we are all feeling a bit exhausted so being on my own with my laptop and my blog right now is rather great.
I can't say I'm that excited for Christmas tomorrow which is weird because in October I was massively excited, I think I'm sort of just contently enjoying Christmas and movies and food and the fact I'm maybe not excited is good because it allows for a far calmer set of emotions to control the next few days which is really super lovely.
Excited or not, I hope you all have a fab Christmas or non denominational day of eating and being happy tomorrow!
I can't say I'm that excited for Christmas tomorrow which is weird because in October I was massively excited, I think I'm sort of just contently enjoying Christmas and movies and food and the fact I'm maybe not excited is good because it allows for a far calmer set of emotions to control the next few days which is really super lovely.
Excited or not, I hope you all have a fab Christmas or non denominational day of eating and being happy tomorrow!