Wednesday 23 September 2015

Short Hair Don't Care

If you follow me on any social media you'll know I chopped all my hair off! Although for once I actually got it done at a hairdressers and I actually adore it, originally I didn't intend on it being this short but I really love it. I took in a picture of Jenna Coleman to show my hairdresser and described what I wanted similar to Jenna's and what different etc and she adjusted it to suit me and I'm so happy. I used to be someone who would never dare cut there hair off, I'd complain if I went for a trim and a whole inch had gone, despite it practically still being down to my waist and I'm glad that's no longer me and I'm willing to experiment a bit. After all, hair grows! If anyone would be interested in a hair history post please let me know because I think it'd be quite a fun thing to do.



  1. this cut looks gorgeous on you! i'd love to read a hair post, i find them so good for inspiration x

    1. Thank you! I think it might be fun to write so I'm definitely going to have a go! x

  2. Literally in love with your hair, especially the colour! I've finally been able to grow mine past boob-length (very important!) but now I'm bored and contemplating cutting it all off too! x

    Always, Alice

    1. Ah thank you! That is the exact cycle my hair seems to go in! I've not had it this short since I was very little but I've always grown it really long and then just cut loads off, I get bored to quickly! Your hair is lovely though! x

  3. Major hair crush right now! You look stunnig ❤ Makes me wanna chop my hair again.



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