Saturday 30 November 2019

THE RAMS HEAD DISLEY| pub & vegan menu review*

Last night, I was kindly invited to the media preview evening of The Rams Head in Disley. They've had a complete refurb of the entire pub and the menu and it was so wonderful.

As we arrived, as the first guests there, we were pointed in the direction of the bar and the “gin pimping” station. The one thing I regret from the evening is not making the most of the amazing variety of things I could put in my g+t. I kept it pretty simple with blueberries and rose petals and it was rather lovely.

For my starter, I had houmous and ciabatta, which I wasn’t expecting to be revolutionary but oh my god it was. I’ve had great houmous in my time but I have never had such a beautiful one presented before me. As well as it being beautiful, it was perfectly proportioned. Rarely is the quantity of houmous the correct amount for the bread you are given but this was, the perfect amount of each. Finn had the soup of the day- butternut squash- which looked amazing and he thoroughly enjoyed. 

I had a spiced coconut and aubergine curry with jasmine rice for my main course, whilst Finn had a more traditional pub dish of battered halloumi and chips. The curry was the nicest curry I have ever had not at home- it was incredible. 

Finn and I both had vegan desserts and were thoroughly impressed. Finn ordered the salted caramel billionaires slice (which I obviously had a bite of and oh my god- life-changing) and I ordered the treacle and pecan tart because I just love treacle tart and couldn’t not order it. Both were absolutely sublime and I could eat them over and over and over again forever. 

After a lovely evening, with impeccable food I can say with 100% certainty that both Finn and I will be back there in the near future to sit and drink and chat and to eat the entirety of the vegan menu to be honest. If you’re local I highly recommend popping by.


*gifted meal- media preview evening.

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