Monday 23 July 2018


Blonde lashes and blonde brows, pale skin and dark circles, freckles on my nose and spots on my chin. I remember discovering concealer being a pretty great day for me, I'd had a complex about the dark circles under my eyes for as long as I could remember and had longed for a way to remove them and look a little less dead...

I have however always had pretty good, clear skin and as I've got older have decided I quite like my face, I like my freckles and my porcelain skin and I like wearing makeup but I also like not wearing it. There was a time when I would not feel comfortable or ready for the day without a full face of makeup and that wasn't ok for me - I had to feel happy in my own face.

I wish I could explain how I got there, but I think it was honestly realising I do not care. I do not care what people think of me, I do not care that you'll see my freckles or how tired I am from my face. I have far more important things to get done, and I can have so much more time to myself when I don't wear 10 million things on my face.

You don't have to be ok with your face and there is nothing wrong with makeup at all. I still love wearing makeup and wear it most days but everything feels a little lighter now that I don't feel like I have to.



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