Tuesday 23 January 2018



Okay, SO, I'm going to be positive in this blog post which I think might be difficult but I'm going to try. I've spoken about mental health and wellbeing on the blog and the importance of being and making sure you are ok. Though I do think this is something you should prioritise I am starting to try to maintain a sense of balance and composure regarding self-care and uni work. 

What I love most is when people reach out to me to talk about things like this, I've had plenty of lovely people let me know that they have appreciated me speaking about this in the past and to have someone ask me to discuss this, even more, was overwhelming in the nicest way - If you're wondering, this post is in collaboration with Jack Wills, a brand I honestly didn't know much about but since having a scroll through their site I've accumulated quite the wishlist. From cute, preppy skirts and jumpers to wear on positive productive days to women's joggers and athleisure wear for when I need to be comfy without sacrificing style.

I have very strong opinions about mental health being as important as physical health and unfortunately for me at the moment both are suffering. I've never glossed over the fact that I have diagnosed depression, which I take medication for, and although I cope and I'm fine I still have to be careful and make sure I don't work too hard. Which I feel ridiculous for saying. I feel like that, as a strong woman, I should be able to do everything. I should be constantly on top of all my uni work, on top of my blog and be working at my job at home as much as possible AS WELL AS having a social live and family time. I need to tackle this and find the balance, there's nothing wrong with going slow sometimes and perhaps I need to concentrate on accepting this. 

I've been really physically run down since around new year with sort of just a constant bleh. I'm not seriously ill (I hope) but I'm exhausted all the time and drained from doing the most basic things. I'm obviously trying to get better without falling behind and have just accepted that perhaps to be able to go to uni and do daily tasks I just need to sleep more and take more breaks. And apparently, drink more coffee...

Essentially, what I'm trying to get at, is the fact that balance is necessary. I want to be happy, and for the most part, I am, and I also want to be successful, which I definitely can be. But I refuse to sacrifice one for the other and I think that's how it should be.

I'm going to start doing yoga again and become more zen. This time I won't try to do it whilst eating my breakfast, that was never a good idea. Another quick thing I'd like to point out is that doctors always tell you to exercise more when you're depressed, a great idea if you're physically well enough. When you're anaemic it just makes you more tired...

If you hadn't guessed, the reason for the somewhat lack of blog posts simply has been illness and the fact that I'm prioritising uni work. I suspect no one will mind, I'm still around, just a little slower.

If you see me tweeting about doing to much at once please remind me to slow down and compose myself.

IW x

1 comment

  1. It's definitely important to talk about mental health and I wish you all the best on your journey with it. Some days you do just have to accept that you aren't going to be at your best and that is OKAY. I tell myself if I can find 1 positive in a day then I've done good and I let myself be proud of small achievements. Take control of the things that you can do in your life and let go of the things you can't. Sending you all the love!x

    Lucy Jane | Infinity of Fashion


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