Tuesday 17 October 2017


 TOP - MONKI (similar)

It's officially autumn, there are leaves everywhere and it's sometimes a little bit colder - though there is definitely some weird heat wave thing happening because October should not be this warm surely? I deliberately wore my white jeans and a tee to work on Sunday, knowing it would still be warm but wanting to be covered enough in case it wasn't to hide the goosebumps.

I find these white jeans really difficult to style and have only managed to wear them a handful of times. It's a bit of a nuisance but I think I'm finally onto something with the big t-shirt, blue denim jacket combo. This was an outfit I was truly comfortable in; Once upon a time, I'd have never expected to be remotely comfortable in white jeans.

Comfort is something I often completely ignore or forget about when shopping or lusting after clothing items before actually buying them. And I don't actually just mean physical comfort, I mean thinking I look alright and being happy to walk out the house and anyone see me kind of comfortable.

I wish I could say starting back at uni this year has been easy but it’s been really tough. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and stressed most of the time along with an overshadowing sadness that I can’t figure out. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Nottingham and NTU, living with my best friends and only being a ten minute walk from my boyfriend, but I just haven’t stopped since I moved back and I’m worried I’m going to crash and burn from doing too much. 

It’s a shame because I’m not doing a single thing I don’t like and so therefore don’t want to slow down or drop anything but I’m missing out. I’m missing out on time to myself, tv and chill time with my housemates and blogging has become a real struggle. 

Maybe I’ll get into the hang of juggling everything, I just can’t see that happening any time soon. If anyone has any tips on how to ace Uni while being sociable and working and volunteering, send them my way, they’re truly truly needed. 



1 comment

  1. I always thought white jeans was a dangerous choice for any season apart from summer but my gosh they work so well with the autumnal feel and striped top!

    - www.meowandme.co.uk


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