Wednesday 5 July 2017



I have always had a fondness for Sheffield and now that one of my best friends lives there I love it even more. I went last week to spend the day with my lovely friend Crystal and despite the crappy weather I had a really great day. The Winter Garden,, I think, is one of the best parts of Sheffield, there are few trips I've had there where I haven't at least wandered through. Located by the gallery and my favourite Starbucks- favourite because I used to spend hours in there on rainy days with Molly- it is almost unavoidable. And it was about time I took blog photos in there, so that's what we did. 

Okay, so this isn't the most exceptional or groundbreaking of outfits but it was rainy and not that warm so this is what I ended up with, my favourite straight leg jeans *shock* and my favourite stolen-from-my-sister jumper. Honestly this was as good an outfit as I could think of for two train journeys and a long-ish day wandering about and I actually really like it despite how incredibly casual (or slapdash) it was. 

I must say I also adore these photos that Crystal took, the camera I brought with me isn't that reliable but I think the colours and the framing are so beautiful. 


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