Wednesday 5 April 2017


Guess who's ill again? Yep, me. I had 12 hours sleep last night and all I want to do is eat yoghurt and drink coffee and cuddle the cat. I'm home from uni for easter and I want to be back at work and making the most of being in manchester but the constant exhaustion that comes along with having glandular fever is not working in my favour.

I've run out of things to watch on netflix and I miss my pals and Nottingham already, also my double bed and doing my own food shopping. I'm hoping the excessive amount of sleeping means I'll feel well enough to work and actually do stuff really soon. In the mean time I'm going to try to get dressed and get outfit photos as much as possible but we shall see. 


1 comment

  1. The 12 hours of sleep is good and the food looks healthy and yummy. I feel your pain on the running out of things to watch on NetFlix. I've re-watched most of the shows and movies on my NetFlix 'list' several times, and when something I'm really interested in comes out I compulsively binge-watch all the way through it. Getting well is more important than rushing out to take outfit photos - so please continue to take good care of yourself and get well soon!


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