
Sweatshirt - Asos Men's (Eden's wardrobe)
Skirt - Newlook
Boots - Dr Martens
Jacket - Levi's 
Bag - Primark

As is absolutely no news to anyone, I like big clothes. I like them super baggy and comfy and as a lover of sweatshirts but owner of so few, there's nothing better than stealing your sisters oversized, mens sweatshirt to go for coffee in. Literally nothing better and you can't convince me otherwise. Although I suppose any situation with coffee is inevitably rather great. 

My pal Harriet (second to last photo) came for coffee and a walk and photos with me and it was lovely, I don't see enough of her at all.

Being back at uni is a little stressful, I feel like I'm suddenly super busy and am trying to do 5000 things all at once but I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things soon enough.
