New Year, Same Me (but maybe a little bit better...)

Coat - Primark
Scarf - My Mother's

Some good things happened this year and some bad I suppose... I broke up a two year relationship, which was sad for a while but I think I'm okay and I hope he is as well. I got through my first year of university and a course I love and am so enthusiastic about after being at uni for two years and leaving a course I ended up despising. I blogged a lot and I'm happy with that. I got my first part time job at a cinema where I've met lot's of wonderful people and learnt a lot. I made lot's of new friends, online and offline who I can't imagine not knowing now. I spent more time with my closest friends who I hadn't seen in too long and I was overall a bit more relaxed. 

Of course there were lot's of shit things in 2016, in my own life and in the world. Bowie and Prince and so many other wonderful, iconic people's deaths that will leave me and I think the world with a little bit of sadness for eternity. Brexit, I won't ever not be upset about that and Donald Trump replacing Obama in the new year is honestly terrifying. It feels like the world went a little bit backwards this year. 

Something I learnt this year is that bralettes are amazing and if you can wear them you should, I've honestly never been so comfortable and plan to buy 456745 more in the new year.

I don't really care for new years resolutions but I have decided that I'm going to spend more time with my friends while I'm in Nottingham. I don't mean the friends I live with, they see plenty of me already, but my course friends and my at home friends and I have told them this and we are going to revise together, have tea and crumpets and go for drinks so even if 2017 sucks at the very least I'll have crumpets and friends.

I hope you all have a fabulous 2017 no matter what the world throws at you, Happy New Year!
