Wednesday 26 October 2016

There She Goes

Scarf -Zara (similar here)
Top - Free from Rock City @freshers fair

I feel like i'm such a busy bean lately which is really weird. You may have noticed there wasn't a post on Sunday which I actually have no excuse for other than the being a busy bean... I had plenty of outfit photos I just didn't write a post and when I tried it was mean.. I was being mean to myself and just clearly was not in a good enough mood to write. I had really bad neck ache because I do that thing where I sleep with 4 pillows and 2 cushions in the weirdest position possible and spent half my Saturday holding a hot water bottle to my neck so the bad mood was justified I think.

I kind of love that it's getting rapidly colder because it means Christmas is getting closer and yes I am one of those people. Halloween is all fine and good but I don't know what to be or if I'm doing anything at all anyway and it's only really one day, Christmas is an entire season. The only problem with it getting colder so quickly is that even though these photos were only taken last week it's already too cold to go out like this again and my wardrobe is quite severely lacking in jumpers.

I've decided that free t-shirts are great, although me and my housemates did all get these t-shirts when we went to the alternative freshers fair at Rescue Rooms (..none of us are freshers) so are matching... you can decide what to make of that yourself. I've decided I need to appreciate and incorporate more plain/printed t-shirts into my day-to-day outfits as they do make my possibly a bit too dressy for uni outfits a little bit more casual which is fab. Then of course I pop on my silver boots and look like a spaceman and any hope of ever looking cool and casual is completely lost...


P.S. I finished watching Gilmore Girls and I feel completely lost, send help


  1. Neck aches can be awful - I tend to get them myself sometimes.
    You're outfit photos are great - I love the contrast between outfit pieces.
    That scarf is fabulous. The T-shirt is perfect for Halloween,
    but it's so true about the Christmas season style-wise.
    Maybe you'll get a new jumper for Christmas.
    My blogging is the opposite of yours. With me it's the lack of photos that's the holdup.
    Yours are beautiful. Your hair looks very pretty as well.

  2. Love the way you've styled your top, especially with those boots - I LOVE THEM! I'm so excited for Christmas too although I feel totally unprepared that it's November today x

    Always, Alice


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