Sunday 25 September 2016

Wet Hair Again

Dress - Asos, Shoes - Vans, Socks - Primark, Bag - Urban Outfitters

Gooooooood Morning!! I know it might not be the morning when you're reading this because most people aren't up as early as I am on a sunday but for my sake let's just pretend...

So I've been back in Nottingham for a little over a week now and although I'm absolutely not being productive in the slightest I'm soooo happy to be back in my favourite city with my favourite people. What is even better is the fact that my pal Crystal's time off work coincided with me being completely free so she came to visit for the day and it was really lovely. She bought me jelly so she's officially the best in my eyes. I showed her round the arboretum which I'm sure you're all well aware is my favourite place to dissapear off to.

Despite the fact that it definitely is Autumn it's still warm, possibly even too warm for this smock dress that I love so much and have blogged already. I love it with my vans though and my little pink sparkly socks. Once again I'm very very happily dressed like a toddler, practical and adorable tbh.

I'm not quite sure I'm ready for routine and being back at uni just yet because I have become really lazy and slow and I'm not ready to give that up just yet...



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