Sunday 28 August 2016

Pictures and Words

So I've been reading things and watching things and I figured they're probably worth talking about. First of all I've been watching Stranger Things, I've both been advised to watch it all at once and to stretch it out a bit by different people so for the first time ever I am stretching it out a bit which is super difficult because it is so good. I'm sure I don't actually need to tell you anything about it because you've probably already seen it but Winona Ryder is fab and all the children in it are amazing and I'm excited to carry on watching this, it's unusual for me to be hooked by a tv shows storyline by the end of the first episode but I was and I love it and I am struggling terribly to forget all my responsibilities and just watch the entire series at once.

As you may have noticed from the above photos I'm reading me before you by Jojo Moyes currently which I'm enjoying so far. I haven't actually read that much as I write this as I'm saving it for a train journey tomorrow but I have seen the film twice and I liked it so knew I'd like the book. Usually with books I need to be able to start and finish the book within one sitting, which, though a massive inconvenience when you don't have a full free day, is my favourite way to read. Since I've seen the film and I know what happens I don't mind having to put down and pick this up which is good. I like this story a lot and I don't really know why, it's not because I'm interested in romance at all because I'm not, I just kind of like all the characters and each of their little stories. There's a lot I can relate to and a lot I can't and in the film there was a lot I found funny, I hope the book will be the same, I think what I'm trying to put across is that this isn't sickeningly romantic, it's just nice.

The only other thing I'm really watching at the moment is Gilmore Girls which I sort of love hate. The characters all annoy me in one way or another but I still sit and watch it and want to know what's going to happen etc.

If you have any book or tv or film recommendations please let me know! 



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