
Denim Skirt - asos, Bardot top & Bag - Primark, Hat, Shoes and Sunglasses - H&M

Oh look another bardot top from India's collection, what a total and utter shock... I actually don't know what I love so much about them, I think I just find having bra straps and clothing in general on my shoulders irritating which is possibly a little odd...

I'm not sure if this counts as a proper outfit post but you've seen this skirt a million other times on my blog, most recently here and here so I didn't think it was quite worth it. Plus, these happen to be my favourite pictures anyone has taken of me for a long time - thank you Eden - so I thought we'd stick to my shoulders. 

We weren't actually going to leave the house but since my bedroom felt like a green house anyway I figured I may aswell be outside and drag Eden with me and make the most of the rare Stockport sunshine. We didn't wander far before being too warm and I was super glad of my sun hat.
