Friday 15 July 2016

Dancing Queen

Top - Primark, Jeans - asos, Bag - Primark, Watch - Casio

So if you follow me on instagram you may already know that I bought this top last week when I'd left the house in a jumper and jeans and changed into it immediately in Stockport's most lovely public toilets (they're pretty grim, clean and fine but grim) because I was way too warm. I have no idea why I thought a wooly jumper was a good idea in July but I have done this before so I didn't really surprise myself...

I decided it was best to buy a top I really liked as opposed to a plain baggy tee and I'm glad I did because this is so cute ! ! !

I used to hate peplums because I assumed they had to be on tight fitting clothing and I just thought they looked silly but I really love them on more relaxed, oversized clothing, they add such a girly finish to something otherwise quite plain. I love the fact this top is baby pink too, it makes me feel like I'm back at ballet as a small child - when doesn't my wardrobe remind me of being a small child - and do not even get me started on the sleeves. 

Outfit photos are always a bit of an ordeal, especially when no one wants to take them and considering these photos took me and my sister about 5 minutes and I was just dancing around like an idiot, I am happy with how they turned out, I also like to think I was dancing to Abba in my head which is entirely probable. Although I think the first photo was definitely more likely Lana Del Rey...



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