Wednesday 29 June 2016

Future Sailor

Top - Primark, Skirt - Asos, Boots - Dr Martens, Bag - UO

And I'm back! I didn't go anywhere but I didn't bother blogging on Sunday and the post before that was about not wanting to blog but I'm a bit chirpier and ready to blog so here I am. My fringe appears to have grown to my favourite length in about a week and I love it, I like it being in my eyes and being able to push it to the side, I basically just want my hair to look like Brigitte Bardot's (see also my pigtails) but that isn't at all news... 

Once again Helena took some lovely photos of me in the sun, I bought this top a while ago but hadn't got around to blogging it yet, I am not so keen on the whole lace up top trend but I like how this sort of looks ropey and nautical and is loose fitting and comfortable, I wore it with my denim midi skirt from asos and honestly I'm not that keen on them together, I prefer it with shorter skirts or jeans but this'll do!

I'm apprehensive of moving home for summer. It's going to be very different? Usually I have Harriet just around the corner to go on wanderings with but she's going off for her placement year and I'll have my family and I love them of course but I am going to miss the fact I live with some of my best friends incredibly, as well as feeling slightly useless with no lectures to go to and no work to be doing. We shall see how it goes I suppose...



  1. I love this outfit and that top! Can't go wrong with stripes, I think 80% of my wardrobe is stripy...

    1. Thank you! I think 80% is the appropriate amount! x


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