Sunday 12 June 2016


What a beautiful colour a blush pink is. As someone who has always said they hate the colour pink (I'm definitely not keen) I do really enjoy wearing it and anything a bit rosy or blush I just adore. I think it goes with my ridiculously pale skin and blue eyes quite well so I suppose that's good. I bought this skirt in primark a couple of months ago and I adore it, it's fun to wear out because it's comfortable but oh so pretty, which we all know is the best way for clothes to be, and can be dressed up and down and I love it soooo much. The fact it's so floaty definitely helps in the summer heat too.

You may have noticed that I also really like wearing brown and black together. I feel like a lot of people aren't fond of wearing brown shoes with a black back but I actually quite like wearing both, I think If I had been wearing a black belt and bag the outfit would be a bit too tough looking for my liking and for a day time summery vibe.

The weather at the moment makes me crave sparkling elderflower presse and slow walks outside but unfortunately it has left me sun burnt and a bit uncomfortable. I honestly didn't think I'd get sun burnt with factor 50 on but apparently I am really that pale so I think I'm going to have to become a sun-dodger and live from the shadows...




  1. I always end up sunburnt when th sun comes out too. Pretty skirt, I got a similar skirt recently for work
    livinginaboxx | bloglovin

  2. Adore that skirt! They have new metallic versions of it in Primark but sadly can't find a lovely blush colour for summer, you look gorgeous in it! Very jealous x

    Gabrielle Isabella

    1. Ooooh I bet the metallic one is lovely though! x


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