Sunday 1 May 2016

Paper Aeroplanes

Dress - Vintage via Oxfam Originals, Jacket - everything5pounds, Shoes - Doc Martens, Bag - Primark,
Lippy - Jeffree Star

As I'm sure you can tell I had a lot of fun taking these outfit photos. I had less fun trying to decide which spelling of Aeroplane to use (airplane?) because both spellings just look really weird. My Mum and I decided to go to the park to take blog photos whilst my dad picked up my belated birthday takeaway and it was really fun. Usually blog photos are an inconvenience and I don't really set aside time just for them but they are definitely so much better when I am able to.

Though it had been a relatively sunny day the park was empty and a bit cold which made frolicking about in my dress a lot less embarrassing than it could have been. This dress was my Mother's and is vintage and I sort of feel like I'm wearing a picnic blanket in it but in the best way, it's warm enough to not wear a cardigan or tights and is a fab length for with my Dr Martens. The leopard print jacket was honestly only put on while I was cold at home but I really like the browns with the blue of the dress despite the atrociousness of the pattern clashing and just the jacket alone. I wanted a rather expensive leopard print coat for a while over winter but after months of trying to justify it and not being able to I stumbled across this on everything 5 pounds which is not a shop I would usually boast about browsing but I'm a cheap student and sometimes you have to, I figured at only £5 I could finally justify a leopard print coat of sorts and it is really ugly but I sort of love that.

As I'm no longer a teenager I don't know how much longer I have left of getting away with outfits like this but I intend to do so for as long as possible!



  1. These kinds of blog posts are the greatest, the ones you have little moments connected to and can look back and think 'I remember that time with my mum...', it's what I always do and it makes me smile so much!

    Infinity of fashion// Lucy Jane

    1. They really are aren't they! Much more lovely than just popping into the garden to take them! x

  2. AWw that outfit is so lovely on you!! I love the chequered dress and I think it's a totally twenty-something appropriate outfit!! People should be able to wear what they please, especially when it looks so great on them :D I totally get you on the spelling of aeroplane / airplane cause it always confuses me too xD i got really excited because my favourite band is this amazing welsh duo called paper aeroplanes and for a solid five seconds I thought that's what the post was going to be about xD ( i forgot about literal paper- aeroplanes but oh well!)

    Really lovely outfit and great post!!


    Anne // A Portrait Of Youth

    1. Thanks so much Anne! I definitely agree, you should always where what you want no matter what! I'll have to give them a listen, what a cool band name! xx


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