Wednesday 25 May 2016

I love peanut butter...|1 Satay Sauce recipe

I used to absolutely hate peanut butter and I've realised that particularly in the past few months my food preferences have completely changed. I'm still not fussy and eat the same things as before but the choices I make for meals is definitely a little bit different.

Mostly in the sense that I want to put peanut butter in EVERYTHING...

I think my current favourite way to eat peanut butter is in satay sauce on noodles and pretty much any veg in a stir fry. This is probably a ridiculous thing to do a blog post on but I make the best satay sauce and for dinner today I had it with lots of green veg and plain noodles and oh my gosh it was incredible. I think it goes particularly well with green veg because greens can be a bit bitter and it adds a sort of sweetness, creaminess and tang that I just cannot get enough of.

All I do is mix together 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, a tablespoon of sriracha (my one true love), the juice of one lime, a tablespoon of soy sauce, a couple of tablespoons of hot water (to thin it out) and sometimes garlic, I either mix finely chopped raw garlic into the sauce or I put garlic in with my veg if i don't want to smell. So I mix this in a bowl, stir fry my veg and noodles, pour the sauce into the pan when veg is cooked, along with a splash of water, stir until all the veg is coated. Then, if it's just for yourself because let's be real you won't want to share this, serve it up in the bowl you mixed the sauce in, for extra sauciness *insert smirk emoji here* and it is delicious.

I know this isn't at all my usual type of post but I like food and whilst I'm busy revising food is very much a constant and therefore something I can still blog about quite easily so I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you try this little recipe!



  1. Definitely going to try this as my love for peanut butter as been strong since a young age, it's just my weakness!

    Infinity of fashion// Lucy Jane

    1. Ah fab, you'll have to let me know how it goes! I feel like I'm making up for the time I didn't like peanut butter now that I do and am totally obsessed! x


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