Sunday 6 March 2016

Mother's Day

I was a very chubby baby...

Today is the very first Mother's day I am not at home for and it feels a little bit weird. Being a student means I really have to think about when and what I go home for and how often I can afford to go home etc and since I decided that I will be going home for my Brother's birthday in two weeks I'm staying at uni. 

I'm sure so many people would argue that their Mum is the best Mum, but I must admit mine is pretty great. She's hilarious and incredibly selfless and an amazing person to be around, she sews and knits and draws and doodles and is always busy but always completely available when you need her to be. I'm trying not to say too much because you don't need to know much about her and I don't really want to make her cry but I do love her and the rest of my insane family so much and though I adore being at uni and in Nottingham I wish they were much closer by.

I hope whether you're doing something for mother's day or whether it's just a regular Sunday that you have a lovely day and make sure to appreciate the people that love and care for you.



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