Healthy Vegan Halloween Treats

Happy Halloween week!!! I must say this year I am very excited for Halloween, I don't really have much reason to be but I have been decorating the flat and rather loving it! I think I just really love making things and I love being creative with no actual need to be. It probably sounds rather peculiar but if I was asked to make my own decorations for the flat I probably would have enjoyed it a lot less and my decorations would be far less impressive. 

Something else I have been doing in the run up to Halloween is making some Halloween themed snacks (honestly it was with this post in mind, I probably wouldn't have done quite so much otherwise!) So below I have 3 quick and easy, healthy Halloween recipes...

The first is Lychee Eyeballs which quite frankly are horrifying and I'm not sure I can bring myseslf to eat... but this does make them the perfect creepy treat at a Halloween party! You might be thinking "India, how on earth have you got Lychees in mid-october" but you can actually buy tinned lychees which honestly are much creepier.
 All you need for this recipe is a tin of Lychees, a handful of blueberries and some strawberry jam. Using a teaspoon fill the inside of each lychee with jam, this will be a bit messy so you might have to get your hands a bit messy, Once you have done this, place 1 blueberry inside each lychee and you have a super creepy 'eyeball' snack... Some Jam will poor out and Lychees might break but this just adds to the overall gross factor.

The second is the most technical of the three... Raw(ish) Witches Fingers. If you've ever had a nakd bar this is essentially the same idea but molded into finger like shapes with a whole blanched almond acting as the fingernail. 
I am going to admit to you that I did have a bit of a nightmare making these.. In that my hand blender is not very good..

You Need:
1 cup of pitted Dates
1 cup of Cashews or Almonds or both
1 tbsp of Cocoa or Cacao Powder
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tsp Cinnamon 
10-15 Blanched Almonds

You then literally blend all of these ingredients in a food processor, mold into the desired shape and add blanched almonds as nails and refrigerate...

Or if you're me, you use a really bad hand blender that won't work without liquid... so you add water, then try to dehydrate in the oven at about 40°C for hours then realise nobody got time for that, take the mixture out, freeze for 15 minutes then mold into the shapes on a baking tray and add the blanched almonds and bake at 180°C for 10 minutes so they're edible. 

They do actually taste quite nice but the lesson here is that without a good blender or food processor it isn't really worth the bother.. I tried guys, I really tried.

The third and final recipe is my favourite, mostly because it's a variation on my favourite snack, Silly Apple Bites. This is definitely one for Peanut Butter lovers and they are really quite yummy, I had them for my breakfast today and I'm definitely not sad about it!
All you need is:
Peanut Butter
Seeds of your choice (I chose Chia)

First you need to cut your apple into quarters and on the side of each quarter with the skin visible, Cut out the middle, don't worry about it falling apart because like with all the big issues in my life we are going to fill it with peanut butter.
So I suppose the next step is to fill with peanut butter!
Next use a slice from a strawberry in each 'mouth' as the tongue and add the seeds as some teeth if you like!
You can also add eyes if you're that creative!

I really hope you enjoyed this blog post, let me know if you are going to recreate any of these recipes and I will speak to you on Sunday my lovelies!

Happy Halloween!
