Wednesday 9 September 2015

Paris is an explanation.

This photo was deliberately wrong... It was and still is hilarious

Dress- H&M / Bag - M&S / Shoes - River Island / Socks - Primark / Headscarf - Monki

My third day in Paris was a rainy one but we coped and I think it may have also been one of the most fun. I wore a brand new dress which always makes a day a bit more exciting and John and I pranced around the Eiffel Tower giggling and being silly. Beforehand we had been battling strong wind and heavy rain down The Avenue des Champs-Élysées, without an umberella or coat, ducking into shops for the worst part. I think we were possibly the only tourists in Paris that day who hadn't a care in the world for the grim weather since this was just like being at home but a little warmer...

This H&M dress is just fab. It's like nothing else I own and is so chic yet comfy which is never something I'll pass up on! It is also rather similar to a Tommy Hilfiger dress that Zooey Deschanel wears in I think the season 3 finale of New Girl and I remember looking up her dress after seeing it and being quite disheartened by the price so you can imagine how pleased I was when I found this gem!




  1. I need to visit Paris again as I was so young when I did, it looks like such a pretty place and the perfect spot for some Parisian inspired outfits!

    infinity of fashion// Lucy Jane

    1. It really is extraordinary! I definitely need to go back! x

  2. I love paris so much!! rain or snow id be happy to prance around the city!

    Aine Oh


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