Sunday 9 August 2015

The Sunday Post | Happy Days

Dungarees and Headscarf - Monki/ Jumper - Primark / Backpack - M&S / Boots - Docs

Every year I forget how temperamental a British Summer is and it takes a while to get into the swing of knowing how to dress for summer but possibly also spring/ autumn, so when my mum handed me this Primark jumper the other day because she didn't want it anymore I knew what I had to do. I had to wear it with my Monki dungarees. Now on a summers day a jumper is not the best idea, this I learnt but as the day went on and it became the evening I was glad to be wearing a jumper and I love the collar, it's just so damn cute peeking out from my dungarees.

I wore this outfit on Monday just on a little shopping and coffee trip with some friends and I honestly had an amazing day. It made me realise that despite not living in the most fun town ever I really can have A LOT of fun here or anywhere as long as I have good company. In general I'm a very positive person and I will call an 'ok' day great but I was genuinely very very happy, could've been the sun making an appearance, my coffee or just spending time with my friends but whatever it was has just really improved my mood overall. Let's all hope the week ahead is super happy and positive.


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