Wednesday 5 August 2015

July Favourites | STROBING

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think I've ever done a 'favourites' blog post but it's something I'd really like to start doing. I love reading them and watching them on youtube for 'life inspiration' almost, I'm not so much into the beauty ones but I'm always looking for something new to read or watch or incorporate into my wardrobe so knowing someone LOVES something is always an incentive.

I think there's only one way I can do this post so here is a list of a few of my favourite things over the month of July!

TREND: My favourite fad of July has definitely been strobing.

Now I'm sure most of you will know exactly what this is but just in case you don't, to my knowledge, strobing is essentially instead of contouring, you wear a lot of highlighter on the appropriate parts of your face and look all glowy and beautiful.
Now beauty trends aren't usually my sort of thing, I'm big on bronzer and highlight though that is for sure! I have only used strobing alone a few times,mostly on hot days where it's too warm for make up, so I'll pop on Topshop's All Over Glow with my moisturiser, skip foundation and just put on concealer mascara and my Topshop stick highlighter, and I love it! My face doesn't look greasy or gross and I don't feel like my make up is going to slide off even in the heat yet I look like I have a full face on. Just look how glowy and dewy it is!

FACE: Since strobing was something I was so excited about I was immediately drawn to the All Over Glow in Topshop when shopping, especially since it was on sale (unfortunately I think it has been discontinued), A shop assistant helped me find the right shade and I love it, It's great mixed in with moisturiser or foundation for a super summery look!

FASHION: As it's summer I had been craving a new pair of sunnies. I was determined that round sunglasses did not suit me even slightly but honestly I think this H&M pair are the best I have as well as in-keeping with the on going 70s boho trend!
OUTING: The best outing of July was definitely Ed Sheeran at Wembley on the 11th. My ticket was a Christmas present from John's Mum and it was incredible. I saw Ed for the first time in Nottingham last year and fell in love with him. I've never seen anyone put on such an amazing show with just their own voice, a guitar and a loop pedal. It is amazing, even if you're not the biggest fan of his music I highly recommend taking up any opportunity you get to see him because I don't think there's any chance you would not be struck with awe.

FOOD: As a vegan there is always some new or exciting 'superfood' that everyone you know and their Nan are eating and although there has been a lot of hype about them for a long time now I tried Chia seeds in July and fell in love. I've only bought the tiny 65p 'shots' from tescos so far and only used them for chia pudding but they're soooo good! I just mixed one of the tiny packets with some chocolate almond milk in a bowl and left it in the fridge overnight and in the morning it had magically tranferred into a jelly-like texture and was SO tasty!

TV SHOW: Now if you know me personally you'll already be aware that I have become obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. Now I know that it can probably be quite a tiresome show to watch because no matter how close you think you are to finding out who 'A' is your theory is always crushed but I love it, I love how much scarier it got in series 5 and 6 and with such great styling,I could honestly just watch it for the clothes! I think Aria and Hanna have the style I identify with most and I always look forward to seeing what they'll wear. Lucy Hale who plays Aria instagrammed a photo of one of Aria's outfits from the latest episode yesterday and I'm in love, that skirt is beautiful.

I think that'll be it for this months favourites! I do think I'll be doing them every month but probably not the same categories every time, I hope you enjoyed this post and please let me know things you loved throughout the last month or so, I'm always looking for new things to try etc!



  1. Love this post! Strobing has been a favourite of mine too xx

    Lauren |

  2. Ah this was a lovely post to read! I really like the strobing trend too, I really want to try a highlighter from Topshop - this looks beautiful on you. SO jealous of you seeing Ed Sheeran and I've recently been getting back into Pretty Little Liars :) x
    Charlotte's Road

    1. Thanks so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed reading it! x


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