Last weekend my friend Heidi came to stay with me at Uni and it was the most fun having a friend from home stay for that long, we got to do lot's of exploring and eat great food and it was so fun. On the Saturday we went to Newark for the day, because it's one of my favourite places and I knew Heidi would love it too. The weather wasn't particularly great but it still looked as beautiful as ever and we spent hours there wandering around and shopping.
Newark Castle is pretty cool, I think everyone else there was slightly confused as to why Heidi and I had our cameras out and were taking so many pictures which was quite funny but there was more of it to explore than I'd ever realised. I also managed to remember my way around and back to the train station which I was very proud of because the back streets and little roads can be quite disorientating.
Coat- Viyella, Top- Primark, Skirt- Charity Shop, Bag- Topshop, Shoes- Docs.
I wear this outfit so frequently but I feel like its appropriate and practical for every occasion, I don't think I've ever blogged it before but I just love to wear this skirt with my Docs and a turtle neck and in fact I think I wore it, but with my denim jacket, on my first 'date' with my boyfriend which is either cute or super cringey who knows... either way, I love this skirt a lot and I love to wear it with turtlenecks, It's an outfit I turn to when I don't really know what to wear and it's changed slightly over the year or so I've had the skirt.
My Mum often finds some pretty great things in Charity shops which was always exciting to come home from college to especially when it was this skirt. It reminds me a lot of another tulip style skirt I had from Boden when I was about 14 which I remember saving up for, It was also red but was a much bigger more abstract rose print and I wore that absolutely everywhere too. I don't know what it is about them both but a rose print tulip skirt is clearly a staple in my wardrobe.
Rings - Urban Outfitters
Autumn confuses me because dusk is so early but I also was very glad to see Newark and it's castle in broad daylight as well as dusk, it became very cold but I think that is one of the reasons I love autumn so much because if it's cold outside, being warm and cosy at the end of the day is the very best thing.

My hair always loses it's curls by the end of the day.. (if someone could turn that into some sort of abstract metaphor that would be pretty cool.)