Sunday 13 July 2014

The Borrowers

I have been in love with this jumper for what feels like forever; it's been sitting in my mums wardrobe with the tags on for quite a while and although I knew she intended to wear it at some point I somehow seemed to convince her to let me borrow it which inevitably led to her letting me keep it as long as I do enough chores to make up the £60 it cost, I can honestly not explain how grateful I am for it, It's such a beautiful jumper to wear and so comfortable and I'm just in love with it.

My boyfriend, John, recently gave me this book and I've only read a few chapters so far but I really like it a lot. I know it's nothing new or exciting but it seems to be an enchanting read so far and is a vast improvement on just scrolling through instagram whilst I have my coffee! (Thank you John!)

I thought it appropriate to title this post 'The Borrowers" because I seem to borrow (some might say 'shop') from my mums wardrobe far too often and it is therefore a pretty accurate description of me since I also 'borrowed' these trousers from my mum...

Jumper- Joules / Trousers- Next / Shoes- Primark

I adore this outfit though, I feel like I'm dressed slightly Nautical which always seems to be quite a retro way of dressing for summer, although I do have to admit this outfit may be a little too warm for the hotter of England's summer days and probably is more appropriately suited to spring weather! 

I've decided reading is my absolute favourite thing and since finishing college there is a lot more time for reading whatever I want and it makes me so happy, Do you have any book recommendations? 



  1. Lovely post!:)
    Keep in touch xoxo

  2. The jumper is so cute, I love stealing bits from my mums wardrobe as well!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  3. i looove this sweater :) you look cute girl! xx

  4. That sweater is lovely and it really suits you. I love reading too and since it's summer (vacation) I have enough time to read. Keep up the good work.


  5. I don't read too much but if i do read, it will be a John Green book! I absolutely love them. I nominated you for a liebster award over on my blog and i'd love it if you checked it out. Ellie x

  6. Love the nautical theme! If you want to read a classic, The Picture of Dorian Gray and Lolita (quite a disturbing read so be warned!) are a great place to start. I also love Stephen King's novels and the book Marley and Me!

    My blog:

  7. Lovely post, ive nominated you for the liebser award on my blog, if you want to do it check out the rules here:

  8. You're really good at rocking the vintage look! That jumper is so fab especially the red collar part!

    Gabby xo

    Blog - What She Buys / Instagram / Twitter


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