Tuesday 26 November 2013

in the gutter looking up at the stars

Coat- love label at Very
Scarf- James Pringles
Cardigan- vintage market
Skirt- made by my mother
Boots- Dr Martens
T-Shirt- Primark

At the moment I'm poorly again... I'm not going to go in to detail about what is wrong with me because that you definitely don't need to know! Being ill as much as I always am in the Autumn/Winter months is something I will always find extremely irritating. I think my immune system just isn't that great when it comes to colds and tummy bugs especially and there's always so many around this time of year!

These photos are from an outfit I wore to college last week, I adore this skirt my mum made me but I don't wear it enough and I think it's perfect for layering with jumpers and scarves even if there is a lot of pattern involved!

I'm not really sure what the quote I've titled this after means but I thought it was relevant since I'm stood by the gutter..

There might not be any more posts this week but I am going to london for the first time ever with my friend Heidi on saturday so you'll definitely be seeing something from that next week, if you have any suggestions of what we can do that would be great! I'm pretty sure we'll be going to shoreditch, camden and winter wonderland!



  1. you have lovely hair and i'm in love with your cardigan!

    abby xo

  2. I'm in love with your coat, skirt and boots; that outfit is gorgeous. I hope you feel better soon x

    Rain with a Cup of Tea

  3. I love that skirt! Such a beautiful pattern. And handmade too!


  4. I love everything about this outfit India! X


  5. I am your newest follower! I love your hair, is that your natural colour? It's just beautiful. Oh and I love the outfit, infact I love all your outfits, just been looking back at your old posts

    Please come check out my latest post if you have time :)

    Fragile Bird | www.fragile-bird.blogspot.co.uk



    1. Well thank you for the follow! Unfortunately not no, I wish it was!

      Thanks So Much! x

  6. You look amazing! I love your hair, the colour is just gorgeous! So sorry to hear that you're feeling unwell. I had a stomach bug last weekend and couldn't eat properly for a few days. I hope you're feeling better soon! Ooh, London! Camden, for sure! I love going to Camden when I'm on holiday in London. Have fun!
    I love your outfit by the way :) Your floral skirt is so adorable!

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

    1. Thanks Sofie! Yes i'm hoping to go to camden! I'm feeling a lot better now thanks, there's just so many bugs around this time of year! x

  7. You look so cute! My mum has similar hair to you and she loves yours!


    1. Aw say thanks to your mum, Her hair sounds great! Thanks Hannah x

  8. very cute autumny outfit, also I'm loving your hairstyle and colour

  9. Such a cute outfit! Also, your hair is amazing.

    x Michelle | thefeatherden.net


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