So as some of you may know if you follow me on twitter or instagram and such, last week i spent 5 days camping in cornwall with my family and a friend and i can honestly say i had a lovely few days.
we stayed in Sennen which is just so beautiful and other than home a great place to find yourself after a long car journey which you tried to sleep through..

I didn't really want to explain all of these photos i mean i think they're pretty self explanatory, they're pictures of my holiday there's not much more to say other than when you wear your topshop jeans in the sea they are practically impossible to take off?
Also i know i said i'd take pictures of all of my outfits to do proper outfit posts and i did but i just don't like them.. I like what i wore i'm just not happy with the pictures or how i looked, this may sound silly but yeah i just feel a tad self conscious about them which is very unlike me and i'm sorry!