Wednesday 10 April 2013

coco pops

Jacket - Vintage
Jumper - H&M
Belt - newlook
Jeans - Next

I liked my outfit today but i really could have made more of an effort, I don't have very much makeup on today and i haven't really done much with my hair. Both of which are quite unusual for me but i do really like this outfit and i really want to be able to wear this jacket more because i feel like Dr Who in it.

Unlike most people my age who are currently enjoying their second week of the easter holidays, mine are already over and i am back at college. My Easter wasn't that exciting if i'm honest, I was ill for a week which wasn't fun and during the second week i had a friend stay over which was lovely. I did do a lot things i enjoyed during the holidays, one of which resulted in me getting grounded... (see my previous post) Obviously being grounded meant the rest of my plans were cancelled and i had to do lot's of college work to make up for the fact that so far i had done none... I'm not quite an example of a good student.

I've also recently discovered that when it's the holidays i don't eat very much, I probably won't have 3 meals every day and am actually really healthy; yet the moment i'm back at college I. Cannot. Stop. Eating.

Since yesterday evening i have eaten this entire box of coco pops...

Does anyone else feel really drained and voracious when they go back to school/college after a break? 



  1. Love this outfit! x

  2. You look gorgeous here India :) + the doctor who thing made me laugh! X

  3. I love Coco Pops (in Germany they're called Choco Crispies)! They are probably my favourite cereal and as sadly as it sounds I could manage to eat a whole box on one day, as well. :'D
    You look lovely on the pictures and your hair is super gorgeous! *.*


    1. haha i'm glad i'm not the only one! They're definitely a great cereal :')
      Thanks Becky! xx

  4. Anything to do with Dr. Who has to be a good thing ^_^ & I love your hair! is it naturally wavy like that?
    Nora xx

  5. You look so pretty, your top is so retro and looks cute with that fab vinatge jacket!

    Imogen <3

  6. Love that jacket, it really suits you. When I'm at uni and away from home my eating habits go crazy, and then at home I hardly eat anything, so I know how you feel! Hope you settle back into college okay

    Loes x

  7. great example of unique style:)
    like that vintage vibe ;)X

  8. Lovely :) Understated but still fashion-forward xx


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