1. first snowfall
2. baking
3. catching snowflakes
4. reading in bed
5. Greg and I
6. won vegan goodies in Vanese's giveaway
7. 'borrowed' my dad's denim jacket
8. late night snack or very early breakfast?
9. no make up and sunglasses
10. middle parting
11. silly
12. cute bunnies at pets at home
13. helping me carry the basket
14. ootd, went to see some friends
15. today I am very tired
As the last photo states today I need sleep! I've got a few posts in my mind that should be appearing for you over the next couple of weeks but this weekend has had me exhausted!
On Saturday I spent most of my day trying to tidy and organise my bedroom which was quite successful! In the evening I went to see some school friends who I hadn't seen in quite a while and can honestly say just seeing them made me smile quite alot, I definitely need to make sure I see them more often!
On Sunday I didn't wake up until 11am which is unusually for me because normally I'm up by nine and so I didn't feel like I had wasted my day I got on with some much needed textiles coursework!
How was your weekend?